
Note: as a new member you will receive 20 million u.s $$ dollars,a car worth 10 million u.s dollars, a house in your country and a visa to any country of your choice.
Again as a member,you will be paid 50 million u.s dollars $$ monthly as salary.
Join us nomatter where you are since distance deos not affect the work of our baphomet.



We provide 20million dollar to our new members
and also a monthly salary of 50million dollars.
Join now and have all the money in the world

Dont miss this opportunity to evade poverty and enjoy enless riches

follow the light


New members have the oppoturnity to choose any car the want from the world. Wealth is power with many more is received when you follow the light.

Many desire to wear the cloak of kings but few can stand under the weight of its burden. The privileges of power beckon with promises of wealth, prestige, protection, and authority but power is an apple whose core is poisoned




Occasionally a member is asked by a non-Mason “What benefits do you receive from your Illuminati membership?”

  Most members when asked this question for the first time have difficulty knowing what to say. This is especially true if the member has not given the matter any thought or he has had no experience explaining things to others. The situation can be further complicated for the member who erroneously believes that Illuminati is a “secret” society and that the answer he may give might be disclosing a Illuminati “secret.” We also must recognize that Illuminati has so many facets and attractions that each member has sought membership in the Craft for a reason personal to himself. Each has entered the lodge in search of something that is prob-ably different than another member.